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Tagged Congress Parkway

Mar 22 2011

Study details “structurally deficient” bridges in Illinois

More than 8 million motorists drive over more that 2,200 Illinois bridges that are rated as “structurally deficient” and in need of immediate repair. So says a study released Tuesday by a Washington DC organization “calling for more responsible investment of our federal tax dollars” toward the nation’s transportation infrastructure. The study — by Transportation [...]

Mar 5 2011

Completion of Congress Parkway bridge pushed back


I’m sure motorists & commuters in the know were eagerly awaiting this month’s re-opening of the inbound side of the 335-foot Congress Parkway bridge. Alas, the opening of the bridge — closed for reconstruction in April 2010 — has been delayed…Until September. From Jon Hilkevitch in the Chicago Tribune: Delays in manufacturing and delivering bridge [...]

Oct 24 2009

IDOT opens bridge structural data to the public

The 313-foot Damen Avenue bridge over the north branch of the Chicago River -- which was built in 1999 and carries an average of 15,600 vehicles each day -- rated highly on its last inspection in October 2007. Its deck, superstructure and substructure each rated an 8 -- or in very good condition.

In launching a new Web site containing structural ratings for state-maintained bridges, the Illinois Department of Transportation promises to offer more access and be more transparency for motorists. The initiative will allow motorists to learn how safe the state’s nearly 27,000 bridges are, according to a IDOT news release announcing Web site. “We want the [...]