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Tagged Construction News

Mar 5 2011

Completion of Congress Parkway bridge pushed back


I’m sure motorists & commuters in the know were eagerly awaiting this month’s re-opening of the inbound side of the 335-foot Congress Parkway bridge. Alas, the opening of the bridge — closed for reconstruction in April 2010 — has been delayed…Until September. From Jon Hilkevitch in the Chicago Tribune: Delays in manufacturing and delivering bridge [...]

Oct 19 2009

Study: Build roads for those who will use them

The Tribune’s Jon Hilkevitch has a great piece looking at a study by the League of Illinois Bicyclists that posits that road-widening and reconstruction projects done by local agencies are often superior to work done by state highway engineers. The difference: An interest in how changes affect everyone who uses a roadway versus a focus [...]