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Tagged Elgin-O’Hare Expressway

Oct 9 2009

Draft EIS available for Elgin-O’Hare Expressway project

The first segment of the Elgin O’Hare Expressway West Bypass study is scheduled to be complete in early 2010 with a final environmental impact statement and record of decision that illustrates a preferred transportation system plan for the area. Once that preferred plan is identified, the Illinois Department of Transportation will begin the study’s second [...]

Sep 14 2009

Study: Travel times to O’Hare halved with new roads

A preliminary study released by the Illinois Department of Transportation finds that a north-south expressway connecting the Jane Addams Tollway to the Tri-State Tollway on the west side O’Hare International Airport would significantly cut travel times to the airport. In addition, a long-planned extension of the Elgin-O’Hare Expressway would contribute to halving travel times for [...]