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Tagged Jane Addams Tollway

Mar 7 2011

The iPass – It does all of this for you on Illinois tollways


A spectacular primer on iPass, via 37Signals, discovered during a trip to a rest stop along the Jane Addams Tollway. The rest stop usually has a booth where you can buy a iPass so you don’t need to stop and pay tolls all the time. During the day the booth is manned by someone to [...]

Oct 9 2009

Draft EIS available for Elgin-O’Hare Expressway project

The first segment of the Elgin O’Hare Expressway West Bypass study is scheduled to be complete in early 2010 with a final environmental impact statement and record of decision that illustrates a preferred transportation system plan for the area. Once that preferred plan is identified, the Illinois Department of Transportation will begin the study’s second [...]

Sep 14 2009

Study: Travel times to O’Hare halved with new roads

A preliminary study released by the Illinois Department of Transportation finds that a north-south expressway connecting the Jane Addams Tollway to the Tri-State Tollway on the west side O’Hare International Airport would significantly cut travel times to the airport. In addition, a long-planned extension of the Elgin-O’Hare Expressway would contribute to halving travel times for [...]

Sep 2 2009

A model for Olympic Lanes…?

Among the Chicago transportation initiatives that the IOC highlighted in its Sept. 2 evaluation is an extensive “Olympic lane” highway system that would move everyday local traffic to what the Chicago 2016 committee called 2,392 miles of city roads. The Chicago 2016 Bid Book cites the Dan Ryan reconstruction project as an example of what [...]