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Tagged Lake Shore Drive

Mar 22 2011

Study details “structurally deficient” bridges in Illinois

More than 8 million motorists drive over more that 2,200 Illinois bridges that are rated as “structurally deficient” and in need of immediate repair. So says a study released Tuesday by a Washington DC organization “calling for more responsible investment of our federal tax dollars” toward the nation’s transportation infrastructure. The study — by Transportation [...]

Mar 19 2011

North Lake Shore Drive reconstruction on the horizon

Just three words can strike fear into hearts of most any North Side motorist that heads southbound for any distance: Lake Shore Drive Reconstruction. And after seven years of major reconstruction projects that bettered lives for commuters on the Edens Expressway, Tri State Tollway, Reagan Tollway, Dan Ryan Expressway, Bishop Ford Freeway, Borman Expressway and [...]

Nov 2 2009

iPhone app plots fatal accidents around the country

DangerZones uses Google Maps to pinpoint over 200,000 vehicle fatality locations across the U.S.

Curious about the number of fatal accidents that have taken place along your favorite route to work? There’s an app for that. Danger Zones is an iPhone app that displays five years of vehicle fatality locations across the country and plots the accidents as points on a Google map. The GPS Location service shows your [...]

Oct 22 2009

Bridge lift season: About three weeks to go

The Chicago River bridge lift season is winding down, and scheduled to end Nov. 14. Lifts occur Wednesdays and Saturdays, starting at Lake Michigan and continue down the Main and South Branches of the Chicago River. Wednesday lifts begin at 9:30 a.m. and impact the downtown area — especially Lake Shore Driver — between 9:30 [...]

Sep 2 2009

A model for Olympic Lanes…?

Among the Chicago transportation initiatives that the IOC highlighted in its Sept. 2 evaluation is an extensive “Olympic lane” highway system that would move everyday local traffic to what the Chicago 2016 committee called 2,392 miles of city roads. The Chicago 2016 Bid Book cites the Dan Ryan reconstruction project as an example of what [...]