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Tagged traffic

Oct 24 2009

Congestion cost U.S. drivers 4.2 billion hours in 2007

In Chicago, the study ranked the city 21st in terms of annual delay per traveler (41 hours) and 20th for wasted fuel per motorist (28 gallons).

According to a report from the Texas Transportation Institute, motorists across the country in 2007 combined to spend the equivalent of 175 million days in traffic and purchase an extra 2.8 billion gallons of fuel due to congestion. The 2009 Urban Mobility Report, which the institute released in July, states the figures actually represent a [...]

Aug 30 2009

Google expands Maps functions in Chicago

Traffic on the 8s, traffic on the 5s, traffic on the web and traffic on our phones. Lord knows we have more than enough options to find traffic conditions here in Chicago. That is unless you’re looking for traffic conditions on say Racine Avenue between Randolph and Jackson. Enter Google Maps. The search engine giant [...]