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Tagged Tri-State Tollway

May 8 2011

Tollway, Rosemont proceed with Balmoral Avenue project

Via the Illinois Tollway Authority: State and local officials late last week kicked off a project for a new all-electronic toll collection exit ramp from the northbound Tri-State Tollway to Balmoral Avenue. The partnership between Rosemont and the Illinois Tollway Authority means the village will spend up to $26.5 million on the project, while the [...]

Oct 9 2009

Draft EIS available for Elgin-O’Hare Expressway project

The first segment of the Elgin O’Hare Expressway West Bypass study is scheduled to be complete in early 2010 with a final environmental impact statement and record of decision that illustrates a preferred transportation system plan for the area. Once that preferred plan is identified, the Illinois Department of Transportation will begin the study’s second [...]

Sep 14 2009

Study: Travel times to O’Hare halved with new roads

A preliminary study released by the Illinois Department of Transportation finds that a north-south expressway connecting the Jane Addams Tollway to the Tri-State Tollway on the west side O’Hare International Airport would significantly cut travel times to the airport. In addition, a long-planned extension of the Elgin-O’Hare Expressway would contribute to halving travel times for [...]

Sep 4 2009

159th Street being shutdown for almost two years

Commuters who have relied on 159th Street to avoid Bishop Ford Freeway construction will have another headache to deal with beginning Tuesday. The Illinois Department of Transportation on Thursday announced that 159th Street between Park Avenue and West/Center Avenue in Harvey will be closed from Sept. 8 through May 2011. Eastbound motorists will be detoured [...]

Sep 2 2009

Could Pace, Tollway plan for “Green Lanes” be precursor to “Olympic Lanes?”

The Chicago Tribune reports that a proposal to designate  “green lane” is back as Pace and the Illinois Tollway begin to push a plan to designate the express bus and carpool lanes on the Tri-State Tollway. “The agencies are seeking $200 million in federal stimulus funding to get express buses running between job-scarce areas in the [...]

Sep 2 2009

A model for Olympic Lanes…?

Among the Chicago transportation initiatives that the IOC highlighted in its Sept. 2 evaluation is an extensive “Olympic lane” highway system that would move everyday local traffic to what the Chicago 2016 committee called 2,392 miles of city roads. The Chicago 2016 Bid Book cites the Dan Ryan reconstruction project as an example of what [...]