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Sep 4 2009

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Chicago commuters face 4th most painful drive to work

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What do the Stevenson Expressway, Interstate 80, Ill. 59 and the Kennedy Expressway have in common? They are among a group of highways that cause Chicago commuters the most pain, according to the “Commuter Pain Index” released on Friday by IBM.

In Friday’s Chicago Tribune, Jon Hilkevitch’s story on the study nails the symptoms to a T: trouble sleeping at night, more stress and anger too, messing up on the job.

The index gave Chicagoland the fourth-worst ranking out of 10 cities in terms of our emotional toll that is driving to work.

Last year, Chicago ranked fifth when 10 issues were considered: Commuting time, time stuck in traffic, value of time; agreement that traffic has gotten worse, agreement that start-stop traffic is a problem, agreement that driving causes stress, agreement that driving causes anger, agreement that traffic affects work, agreement that traffic was so bad that driving stopped and agreement that they decided not to make trip due to traffic.

From Hilkevitch’s Trib article: “Nearly 100 percent of the Chicago respondents said roadway traffic is negatively influencing their health. Specifically, 44 percent cited increased stress levels; 25 percent said they easily become angrier; and 12 percent said they are getting less sleep.”

IBM has compiled the results of the survey into an Index that ranks the emotional and economic toll of commuting in each city on a scale of one to 10, with 10 being the most onerous. Here’s how the cities stack up. The index is comprised of 10 issues: 1) commuting time, 2) time stuck in traffic, 3) value of time; agreement that: 4) traffic has gotten worse, 5) start-stop traffic is a problem, 6) driving causes stress, 7) driving causes anger, 8) traffic affects work, 9) traffic so bad driving stopped, and 10) decided not to make trip due to traffic.

IBM has compiled the results of the survey into an Index that ranks the emotional and economic toll of commuting in each city on a scale of one to 10, with 10 being the most onerous. Here’s how the cities stack up.

Of the 10 cities it surveyed, IBM ranking of the “most painful commutes” include”

No. 1. Los Angeles

No. 2. Washington

No. 3. Miami

No. 4. Chicago

No. 5. Boston

No. 6. New York

No. 7. Atlanta

No. 8. San Francisco

No. 9. Dallas-Ft. Worth

No. 10. Minneapolis-St. Paul

Overall, the second annual survey indicated that the recession is taking its toll on urban motorists, who have become significantly more sensitive to gas prices and are looking for ways to spend more time with family and friends.

Of those surveyed, 45 percent identify start-stop traffic as the most frustrating part of the commute.

“Conducted at a time of great change in the United States, the Commuter Pain survey clearly demonstrates the vast impact that commuting and traffic congestion have on our economy,” IBM’s global public sector general manager Anne Altman said in a news release. “The time has come for cities and states to embrace real, long-term solutions that unclog our nation’s roadways.”

Other findings:

More than one-fifth of daily commuters said the recession has made them change the way they get to work, with 17 percent of drivers in this category carpooling more frequently, 30 percent increasing the number of days they work from home and 26 percent taking public transportation more often.

27 percent think accurate and timely road condition information would help reduce travel stress — four points higher than last year.

86 percent say they have been stuck in roadway traffic in the last three years. The average delay is one hour.

Only 3 percent of the survey respondents think roadway traffic has improved substantially, and no city in the study is significantly above that score.

Much of Friday’s media coverage ignored the conclusions and recommendations put forth in the index. Maybe because the solutions are obvious.

“Commuters too, will have to do their part,” the study reported, saying use of public transportation, carpooling and walking or biking will ease congestion.

“The alternative is continued frustration, stress, health problems, poor business performance and a lack of time with family and friends.”

You can read the full Commuter Pain Index report here.