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Dec 1 2009

Commuter Updates

Catching up on CTA news

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From the CTA Tattler: Riders searching for Chicago Transit Authority bus times at ctabustracker.org accounted for the second most popular Google search in the city for 2009. The RTA Trip Planner was No. 4.

The Tattler’s 2nd annual Holiday Train meetup is set for Dec. 12.

The Chicago Tribune’s Jon Hilkevitch reports that two types of surveillance systems – one to monitor CTA rail stations, the other to track the whereabouts of buses – will be used to fight crime and traffic congestion. Hilkevitch also writes that the CTA makes 98 cents for each ride, while it costs between $7 and $9.90 to provide the service.

Meanwhile, the Tribune’s Melissa Harris put out a call for, and received some, great money making ideas for the CTA. Among them?

“Allow furniture stores to demo seating inside “L” stations. Bolted down, a more comfortable couch could impress a great number of riders to buy.”

A Going Public reader reports that the new Fullerton EL station isn’t safe.