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Oct 23 2009

Commuter Updates

How’d Friday’s commute tweet you?

1 Comment

As overheard on Twitter during Friday’s commute. As always, follow and tweet commuting or traffic tips and story ideas to @chitowntattler.

@astrophysics: I like astronomy a lot, but when I drive to Chicago, I’m putting my life on the line in the name of Science. Night, rain & traffic don’t mix

@euphenia: Chicago traffic, you haven’t change a bit

@mikebradshaw: @chcgoryan Agreed. I’ve had worse traffic driving into Chicago at 1030 PM on some random tuesday night than ever in minny apple
@bikespoke: @mattsingley just think you are not stuck in traffic in Chicago:)

@smkuenn: oh, hello chicago, you glorious, corrupt, traffic-clogged, rainy bucket of awesome. i missed you.

@snoqualmiejoe: Chicago traffic SUCKS! Drivers are rude pricks also!

@Disc0Johnny: Fml!!!! Chicago is a great city for work and play but traffic and weather can blow me

@thegreatlukeski: New song scratch demos recorded and sent. Gotta haul ass to KLC through Chicago Rush Hour traffic. Someone get Positive Attitude to call me.

@youknowhimpapa: @_MmmMChBABE I just got got off thank god haha. Now I’m stuck in chicago traffic

@KRHolls: Reverse commute my ass. I hate chicago traffic. Ugh.

@KleinhenzJen: Why is it when it rains, traffic is worse? Are the lights shorter, can not as many cars go during green? Why is Chicago scared of drizzle??

@youknowhimpapa: its time. its time…yuup im finally off work. now its time to kick this friday good! well. its raining and chicago is bad with traffic

@tmars: Why do Chicago highways not have exits? Why do they suck so much? Why I have to sit in traffic with a hungry baby that I can’t feed?

@acarter30: It used to take our bus 3 hours from Gary to Schaumberg … RT @JjRich2: Its official I hate Chicago traffic!!

@JjRich2: Its official I hate Chicago traffic!!

@PapiGrandeMike: is homeward bound…in the rain. Chicago traffic, here I come! @PoppyBuxom please let me know when you get those plans….Going mobile!

@Gerissa: is sitting in Chicago traffic.

@ErikaLT: Technically I am back in Chicago. However, I am still sitting in traffic and am easily 45min from the house.@vitanga: @BtotheD But it all depends on Chicago traffic because getting to Hammond can take almost 3 hours on any given day @amykant

@amykant: @BtotheD hmmm. that obviously doesn’t include chicago traffic, does it? lol, sounds like crazy driving. :)

@The_DaveSorrell: I hate chicago traffic…and i know @faytality is missing me like whoa

@leathers3: In Chicago traffic with @jesryan! #fb

@Piotrpytlik: I hate Friday commute. This traffic in Chicago is just ridiculous!

@Chrisssafari: is in that awesome chicago traffic

@tokyoyo: Gotta love chicago traffic

@GrillGirl: What’s up w/ the traffic going n2 Chicago? It’s like watching water boil;no doubt b/c I am impatient to get home!! I should close my eyes.

@mStonerblog: Seems like Boston to Chicago is shorter trip today than cab from ORD to mStoner office. The traffic!!!! Oy.

@AnitaMae5: seriously crazy traffic in Chicago today….

@Ruppman: Dear chicago traffic. Suck less. Always yours, ian

@cassierosch: traffic in chicago. need like a ten minute power nap. i am dragging.

@formerfatboys: I leave a little late and CHICAGO TRAFFIC is still garbage. If only I didn’t have to bring a camera home…ugg

@kdoster: @jakelarsen Oh I can imagine! Been there in perfectly dry conditions and the traffic sucked! That’s the only downfall with Chicago..

@charlottenick21: seriously hating chicago traffic this morning

@Chocolinguist: Rain in Chicago all of today into tomorrow morning. Ugh. Traffic on the shore is about to be a bitch.