As overheard on Twitter during Monday’s morning and evening commute. As always, follow and tweet commuting or traffic tips and story ideas to @chitowntattler.
@alkrea: Lake Forest Oasis again. Damn Chicago traffic. My gas light was on for awhile in bumper to bumper traffic. Oasis is my savior!
@willowztroll: RT @rockkboy: I hate Chicago rush hr traffic <- do you know anyone who actually loves it?!?
@rockkboy: I hate Chicago rush hr. Traffic
@holleezy: Yay for chicago 5 oclock traffic…
@alkrea: Woot! In Indiana! Almost home. Providing Chicago traffic isn’t too bad, just about 3 more hours according to TomTom.
@Courtn3yMichele: “..through a yellow light & totalling my car. It has taught me a lot about Chicago traffic laws. Apparently you’re allowed to speed..
@leagueltd: Indiana traffic is terrible. Almost as bad as Chicago
@JarradASM: I am stuck in a Chicago traffic jam once again.
@Bruce2323fox: Ok, it ain’t fancy but for $2.25 the CTA is a darn good way into Chicago from airport. Today it’s way faster than auto traffic too #TBEX :-p
@vitanga: @jims1973 South Bend is usually a 3 hour drive, but it can turn into 6 hours depending on Chicago traffic @Mserita
@jasonmburks: Off on a drive to university of Chicago to visit someone. Traffic please be gentle.
@vitanga: @Mserita Not too bad of a drive…just depends on Chicago traffic.
@FlyVacation: Took me 1:25 to get to airport. Should be 30 minutes. Chicago traffic, gheesh.
@punk7676james: Stuck in parking lot traffic on 65 N about an hour and change outside Chicago
@hiAutoShow: @cgautomotive Commute’s not so bad, actually! Chicago drivers keep things extremely interesting.
@Cornpie: Door to door in 1 hour 10 minutes. Not bad for a Schaumburg to Chicago commute. Thanks to my lovely wife who drove me to the train station!
@randelaw: Drove into Chicago this AM. Now doing the reverse commute. I wouldn’t want to do either everyday.
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