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Mar 7 2011

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IDOT wants comments on high-speed rail expansion


The Illinois Department of Transportation plans two more meetings in March to gather public input and comments on expanding high-speed rail between Chicago and St. Louis.

Comments can be submitted online until March 18.

IDOT plans a second series of meetings this summer, and is scheduled to complete a study of high-speed rail options late next year.

The Illinois Department of Transportation plans two more meetings in March to gather public input and comments on expanding high-speed rail between Chicago and St. Louis.

Via an IDOT news release:

“The study provides Illinois with a great opportunity to examine additional enhancement possibilities on the Chicago-St. Louis high-speed rail corridor,” said Illinois Transportation Secretary Gary Hannig. “We hope Illinoisans also will take the opportunity to attend these public information meetings and help us by taking part in the process.”

According to the the Illinois High Speed Rail project website, more than 90 percent of the rail trips along the Chicago to St. Louis corridor have origins or destinations in one of the two cities.