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Mar 7 2011

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PlugShare comes armed with locations of Electric Car outlets

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So you’re driving around, wondering where in the heck you plug in your new-fangled electric car.

Worry no more. A new ios app will show you where charging stations and outlets are.


ios App PlugShare

According to the developer's description in iTunes, PlugShare is a community-driven electric vehicle (EV) charging network that lets you to find places to charge and connect with other EV enthusiasts.

Via Gizmodo:

Driving an electric car is like going through life with permanent food poisoning. It takes lots of planning to make sure you’re not crapping your pants because you’re stranded somewhere and can’t get home. The çlets you find outlets, EV plugs and charging stations so you’re always prepared. Think of it as a free software diaper.

The app is free from the iTunes app store.