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Tagged texting

Mar 24 2011

Need to stop using your phone while driving? Pay Sprint

Via TG Daily: The idea of paying a monthly fee to have your phone limit what you’re able to do seems a bit counter-intuitive, but that hasn’t stopped Sprint from introducing its Sprint Drive First service. The software — once loaded onto your phone — will direct all incoming calls to voicemail, disable text message [...]

Jul 14 2010

Texting while driving: 25 percent of adults admit they do

Via TeleNav: (Both men and women) agreed that texting while driving should be illegal (89 percent of both men and women), it seems that neither men nor women are fully practicing what they preach. Nearly 25 percent of both male and female respondents reported sending at least one text message while driving per week. Men [...]

Dec 5 2009

Study: More than a 25 percent of teens text while driving

Image courtesy of Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project

A telephone survey of 800 teenagers between the ages of 12 and 17 found a quarter of them have sent text messages while behind the wheel. Boys and girls were just as likely to be the offenders the study found, which was conducted by the Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project. CNet reported [...]

Sep 1 2009

Friendly — and graphic reminder: Texting behind the wheel is illegal


As developers are working to help a eliminate the very problem that they helped create — text messaging while driving — the public battle against motorists has included legislation and a driver’s ed feel with a graphic video that started on YouTube and quickly spread its way across the internet. The 4 minute, 15 second [...]