(Both men and women) agreed that texting while driving should be illegal (89 percent of both men and women), it seems that neither men nor women are fully practicing what they preach. Nearly 25 percent of both male and female respondents reported sending at least one text message while driving per week. Men seem to be the most heavy texters with 36 percent of those who text while driving indicating they send an average of seven or more texts per week while on the road. In contrast, only 23 percent of women admitted to texting as frequently.

Nearly 25 percent of both male and female respondents reported sending at least one text message while driving per week. (Chart via TeleNav.com)
Other interesting tidbits from the study:
– Twenty-four percent of men and 27 percent of women said that a yellow light basically means speed up and cross the intersection rather than slow down and stop.
– The top reasons to honk the car horn are cutting off another vehicle during a lane change, tailgating on the road and not using a turn signal.
– Speed limits are largely viewed as “suggestions.” The study showed more than two-thirds of men and women drivers said they have a “predetermined range of speed” that is OK. The majority said that range is between 1 and 5 mph over the posted speed limit. Forty-seven percent of men and 38 percent of women said ranges of 6 mph or more over the speed limit are fine to them.
– Eighty-nine percent of women and 83 percent of men reported having a clean driving record in the past two years with no speeding or traffic tickets.
On its study page, TeleNav also offered this video showing motorists talking about their driving habits. Worth a watch.